Saturday 26 March 2011

Day 7: Huancayo and beetroot juice

When I woke up this morning, I really didn't feel like getting up. I just wanted to stay in bed. So I slept some more, then woke up and slept more, then woke up and lay in bed for what seemed like ages, trying to get myself out of bed. Eventually I felt guilty that Hilda would be waiting with my breakfast, so I got up and got dressed. Then I looked at the time - 8.45am. and here I was thinking that it must be at least 10am.

After a breakfast of bread rolls and eggs, I stayed in the house for a bit, then helped Hilda make lunch - she taught me how to make a bolognese sauce, I hope that Hilda can keep teaching me.

After lunch, I went to visit Juliana - none of the other volunteers were there yet, so I chatted to Juliana for a while and used her computer - I now have some free space on my camera, so I'll take more photos. Sasha dropped by, then she had her Spanish lesson. Juliana came by a little later, and asked if she could use the office for a while, so I sat in the living room, where Sasha and her teacher were. I just sat there looking through photo albums - ahh, the memories...

Juliana and Sasha finished at about the same time - Sasha went out into town, and Juliana and I went with her friend Daniel to get some supper. I had a hamburger and a huge glass of juice - pineapple, papaya... and beetroot. I hate beetroot (I only learned that it had beetroot after we'd ordered), but this juice tasted really really good. It was great!

I was quite tired by this point, so I just went back to Hilda's - the whole family was out (they were at the wedding of one of Yesy's friends), so I played with cats a bit, then read before going to sleep.

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