Friday, 8 April 2011

Day 20: Huancayo and bedbound

I couldn't get up this morning. I heard my alarm go off, but after turning it off I couldn't get up. At 8.15 Hilda came to check on me, I was able to get out of bed and open the door for her, but she took one look at me and sent me straight back to bed, and offered to ring Juliana to say that I couldn't work today. I just felt too ill.

I was able to get down for some bread and camomile tea, then went back to bed. When I woke up, Hilda had bought me some antibiotics from the pharmacist - an hour after taking them, I felt more alive, and I could speak again (my throat had packed up on me). I spent the rest of the day sleeping and doodling cats with wings, and reading and even trying to do some revision! At one point I was woken up by a band playing outside, while usually I love the music of that they play, today I just groaned and tried to get back to sleep. I ate about half of lunch, then slept some more until Hilda came with more medicines. 3 tablets cost about 1 pound in total - I had a flashback of being about 11 and having very bad sunburn, and Mum wishing that she'd thought to bring calamine lotion since many healthcare products are expensive in Peru - but they're really effective. By 7pm I felt almost fine, and stayed reading a little more until I fell asleep.

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