In the afternoon I went into town with Juliana, we mainly just browsed. Then I went with her to her job at the radio station - it was fairly interesting seeing how the controls worked, and from where she gets her source material. Afterwards we went for pollo a la brasa - it was great chatting over a meal that we both love. Through the windows we could see the main square, and there were some concerts in honour of the forthcoming elections.
I'll quickly explain the elections over here, as I understand them. Each person returns to their hometown to vote for the individual they wish to be president, and of the other elects of that party, who they wish to be in congress. There're concerts and bands and many many flyers and billboards everywhere with the faces of the presidential and congress elects, Juliana said that by sponsoring concerts they hope to get in the votes of the young people. Mum told me that in Peru everyone is obliged to vote, otherwise they could be fined. I think that makes sense, since then the president should in theory represent what the people want. The elections are on Sunday 10th, so a lot of people will be coming back to Huancayo soon to vote.
After that I went straight back to the house, knitted a little more, then went to bed.
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