Wednesday, 30 March 2011

Day 11: Huancayo and rabbit/chicken dances

The little ones were celebrating birthdays today. After their breakfast (some eat faster when they're spoonfed, others insist on feeding themselves, some are so stubborn that I make noises - they laugh, mouth opens, food goes in, they chew), we all went back to class, then all the other classes joined us - there were the babies in their high chairs, and the other two younger classes and their teachers joined us. There were five children celebrating their birthdays that week, so the morning was full of games and songs and jumping like rabbits and watching the parents of the birthday-children dance like chickens - we all laughed at that. Then there was a piƱata, and finally the cake - I went mad with my camera while two of the little ones clung to me (taking photos while your elbow is being grasped by a 3 year old boy is not the easiest thing, I learned today!). Then it was time for lunch, and everyone went back to their own classes to eat, then Juliana came to pick me up - I was quite sad to leave!

After lunch of causa (cold chicken and veg mixed with mayonnaise, in between two slabs of mashed potato), I stayed near the house - Juliana had told me that there wasn't really anything for me to do this week. I whittled away the time thinking about my project report, reading a little, then deciding that answering emails might be more interesting (I'm not the greatest student in this respect...).

When I got back, Juan Jose and I went to the cinema. Juliana'd suggested we all go, but when we got there Juliana phoned to say that she was just too busy to come. At this point I ran out of credit, and couldn't take up her suggestion to ring Oscar and Sonia and see if they wanted to come. In the end it was just me and Juan Jose - we had a great time watching Rango, laughing and munching popcorn, and by the time we got home just after 9, we were friends.

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